For people like Luke, one thing isn’t working out. They just can’t afford a home. As rent prices soar, more and more people are being pushed into homelessness. Will you help?

Food for hungry people
Your donation can help provide food for people like Luke and his dad, who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Help with the essentials
Your donation can help give vulnerable people like Luke immediate relief, providing warm clothes and blankets this winter.

Housing for the future
Your donation can help people like Luke and his dad find secure housing for the future.
All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.

Luke's Story
Luke and Colin were living in rented accommodation, until the place was sold out from under them. Even though Luke was working five days a week in a bakery, he just couldn’t find another place they could afford to rent.
Luke and Colin, along with their beloved dog, Ruby, went from living in one unsafe boarding house to another. After being turned away from countless rentals who would not allow Ruby and moved on from abandoned buildings, they were forced to live in a tent.
But Luke knew this was not a long-term solution. Colin's lung disease is a constant challenge. He was involved in a traffic accident 20 years ago and is on a disability pension.
"I was so worried about him. I didn’t care about me. I just wanted to get him sorted.” Luke said.
That means more people like Luke, who are working, and many others simply can't find anywhere to live. And they need your help now.
Will you make an urgent gift to provide immediate assistance to vulnerable people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness?

The Problem
Right now, a staggering 1,600 people like Luke and his dad are being forced into homelessness every single month in Australia.1
The most vulnerable people in our communities have been hit extremely hard by the spiralling cost of living in the last few years. Many families are only just holding on. They’ve had to cope with sharp rises in the price of food and fuel. And it’s pushed them to the very edge. They have so little left; they just don’t have the resources to deal with any more financial stress.
Australia's ongoing housing crisis means they could lose their homes and everything they’ve worked so hard to build. The number of rental properties that a person earning minimum wage can afford has dropped below 1%.2
It means that more and more people like Luke and many others simply can’t find anywhere to live. They need your help.
- The Guardian
- Anglicare 2023, Rental Affordability Snapshot
"Since Vinnies helped us, it’s all changed...and I feel happier every day. Vinnies are amazing. They provide help when it’s needed." – Luke

Your Impact
Your generous support today can help provide the immediate assistance and long-term support someone like Luke needs, including food hampers, warm clothes, and emergency accommodation. A gift today can also assist people like Luke and Colin in paying their rent and living expenses, so they can keep a roof over their heads.
Long-term, your generosity will also provide ongoing support, advocacy, and help vulnerable people like Luke rebuild their lives. Everyone deserves a safe place to call home.
Please donate today to provide people like Luke who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, and those struggling with cost-of-living pressures, with immediate practical assistance, and long-term support.
Funds raised through the Vinnies Winter Appeal will be used to fund our core programs including supporting people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and also people struggling with poverty and cost-of-living pressures.