Help Change the Food
Crisis in Victoria

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Provides nutritious meals served by our Vinnies Soup Van Volunteers
Purchases toiletries and hygiene products that help build confidence and self-esteem
Provides a sleeping bag and warm clothing to a person experiencing homelessness
Keeps the wheels of a soup van running for one night

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Many Australians need your help today.

Food in tough times

Your donation can provide money for groceries, reducing hunger and removing a major stress for families.

A place to rest and recoup

Your donation enables us to help individuals and families find a safe place to sleep when they have nowhere else to go.

Clothing and essentials

Together we can provide basic essentials such as blankets, clothing and toiletries to restore dignity in times of need.

In the last year, one in six adults in Australia hadn’t had enough to eat**.

Since April this year, our Welfare Assistance Call Centre volunteers say that food requests have gone up by 15-25%. In June alone, we had 3,098 requests for food – the highest monthly number since the pandemic.

Gerry* is one of the growing number of Victorians currently experiencing a food crisis. Before being assisted by Vinnies with food, Gerry was skipping breakfast and lunch some days. Poor nutrition was affecting his wellbeing and mental health.

Gerry is provided with a food hamper every fortnight. It contains staples such as milk, bread and store cupboard items such as tinned tuna and fruit, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.

"The help from Vinnies has made a big difference because there are a lot of things in the hamper. There’s canned food, pasta, fruit and vegetables and even eggs and meat. There’s even a couple of chocolate bars in there or a packet of biscuits – treats!"

Our Soup Vans are seeing an increase in need across the board. Over the past 12 months, our Vinnies Soup Vans served more than 600,000 meals. Find out more and get involved...

*Name and image have been changed to protect privacy.

** Foodbank Hunger Report 2021

Please give today