Many Australians need your help today.

Food in tough times
Your donation can provide money for groceries, reducing hunger and removing a major stress for families.

A place to rest and recoup
Your donation enables us to help individuals and families find a safe place to sleep when they have nowhere else to go.
Victorian students may be back in the classroom, but many young students are not quite there yet.
For some students, the start of the school year brings with it many hurdles – and these hurdles are there regardless of whether learning takes place in an actual or in front of a virtual classroom.We see many students struggling to start the day without having had a good breakfast or a uniform and school shoes that fit, or access to dependable technology.
Having these barriers before the school day even begins means many students find it difficult to keep up with their schoolwork or their peers, and they fall behind academically and socially.
Hayma* was one student who Vinnies helped by providing her with a donated reconditioned laptop for remote learning last year.
Hayma also flourished thanks to our one-to-one support. “My reading has really improved since being at the club,” she says. “I’ve got more confidence and made friends.”
*Name and image have been changed to protect privacy.
Sometimes the difference between success and failure at school depends on having access to the right support.
Our learning programs are framed to support young people to develop social, emotional and academic skills and confidence.
Our volunteers know that for a child to thrive they require resources, such as laptops, writing materials, and books.
They also need to fit in socially, such as have the proper uniform.
Finally, no young mind can learn without good nutrition and Vinnies also provides food to hungry families.
Your donation will help ensure that struggling students are allowed to fully participate in their education and realise their full potential.
If your school or community would like to fundraise for the Back to School Appeal,
you can set up a fundraising page here.