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Many Australians need your help today

Food in tough times

Your donation can provide money for groceries, reducing hunger and removing a major stress for families.

A place to rest and recoup

Your donation enables us to help individuals and families find a safe place to sleep when they have nowhere else to go.

Clothing and essentials

Together we can provide basic essentials such as blankets, clothing and toiletries to resolve dignity in times of need.

Every day thousands of people turn to Vinnies in a time of need.

Our voluntary members visit people in their homes, extending the hand of friendship and offering practical support. Some only need a little help and can then continue with their lives, a crisis averted. While others may need assistance over a longer time or may require professional assistance from our more specialised services. It is only through the generosity of those who choose to make a donation to the St Vincent de Paul Society that our members, volunteers and staff can continue to offer the right support at the right time. We thank you for joining with us to provide support and assist in making a difference to the lives of people that we assist.

Please give today!