Everyone deserves a

safe place to call home

Your support will help provide accommodation,
financial support and material assistance to help
refugees and asylum seekers build a new life

Donate Now

Could you imagine having to flee the place you have called home your whole life because your very existence is in danger? And in doing so, being compelled to leave behind everything that has shaped you: your work, your community, maybe even your family?

This is the reality for people like Ali who have been forced to seek refuge in Australia due to conflicts in his home country that mean it’s not safe for him to stay.

Far from an imagined risk, people like Ali are facing escalating violence, loss of their livelihoods and daily threats from gunmen. What would you do in this situation to protect yourself and your family?

Having fled to Australia with nothing, Ali turned to Vinnies for help with the basics such as food, support to find accommodation, and help to pay his rent and other essential bills. Out of immediate danger and with the security of a roof over his head, Ali has since enrolled in English language classes and is now studying a patisserie course at his local TAFE.

Your gift can help provide the support people like Ali need to feel at home in their new country, and hope for the future.

The Problem

Refugees and asylum seekers fleeing life or death situations are arriving in Australia with nothing. Long waits for visas to be processed and structural barriers such as no right to work or access to government payments mean they can quickly slip below the poverty line.

They want to build a new life and contribute to their community, but without the basics this seems impossible.

How you can help

When refugees or asylum seekers are connected with Vinnies, they are offered non-judgmental support as well as practical assistance. Our passionate staff and volunteers believe that everyone has the right to a safe place to call home, and the opportunity to form deep connections with their community.

While that first interaction might just involve supplying food and other essentials, it quickly develops into a trusted circle of support that helps them plan for the future.

Your gift won’t just give people like Ali the basics – it will help them find the support they need to start a better life.

Food for those in need

Your donation can provide refugees with basic food items and essentials such as toiletries that they otherwise can't afford.

Help with the essentials

Your donation can help cover essentials like bills, or larger expenses, such as whitegoods and furniture, so people like Ali can provide a safe home for their family.

Support to keep safe

Your donation can help with rental bonds or payments so that people like Ali can have a place of their own to start again.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Donate Now

Your Impact

With many refugee and asylum seekers who have fled to Australia living well below the poverty line and with no right to work or government support, we urgently need your help.

You have the power to give more refugees and asylum seekers like Ali the practical assistance they need to build a new life in Australia.

“Thanks to Vinnies I'm studying a patisserie course at TAFE and I hope to one day have my own bakery where all my family can work. Vinnies is also helping me to apply for a permanent visa so that I can call Australia home forever.”
- Ali

Your gift will help provide the safety net that refugees and asylum seekers like Ali need to build a new life in Australia.

A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Patricia Hurley


Bruno Filosi


John Piper


Susan Glaister


Tuang Sheen Bock


Michael Howie


Amalakumar Royan


Parniyan Ilkhani


John D’ambrosio


Chris Robb


Deborah Brogan


Hieu Doan


Barry Freund


Marshall Hanna


Ruth Daugalis


Kuma Subedi


Allison Van Den Akker


Lyn Sargeant


David Miles


Tuang Sheen Bock


Liz Campbell


Liz Campbell
