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Can provide clothing for a growing child
Can provide food hampers to feed a hungry family for a week
Can go towards medical expenses that are mounting up
Can help keep the roof over the heads of a struggling family

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Your kindness gives a hand up to men, women and children in SA doing it tough during this ongoing cost-of-living and housing crisis

Tackling Hunger

Your donation can help provide nutritious food for someone who is facing poverty.

Help with the essentials

Your donation can help cover mounting medical bills and provide clothes to those stuggling to make ends meet.

Support for people facing homelessness

Your donation can assist with emergency accommodation and long-term housing for those without a home.

As rents rise, people like Emma suffer.

Single mum Emma had a good job and a home until a debilitating illness meant she could no longer work.

She went from being a homeowner to a renter. This came at a time when the cost-of-living and housing crisis was in full swing and getting worse at a rapid rate.

As Emma and her young son Jacob struggled to find an affordable home they fell into homelessness.

They were couch surfing and living out of their car.

Things became so dire, Jacob was sent interstate to live with relatives whilst Emma tried to find her feet.

Emma reached out to the team at Vinnies who provided her with meals, emotional support and advocacy to help her work towards breaking out of homelessness. 

Today, Emma and her son Jacob are back together, living in a place they call home and they are still receiving support from the Vinnies team.

Emma feels happier than she has been in a long time. She is volunteering in the community and studying community services. She hopes to one day work in a role where she helps others who are experiencing homelessness.

During this ongoing cost-of-living and housing crisis, Vinnies can only keep giving a hand up to people like Emma and Jacob with your continued support – please donate today.

Please give today!