kids succeed
at school.

Thank you

Read More

Sarah* could not afford uniforms and vital school supplies for her kids.

Sarah had no choice but to flee a violent home to keep her kids safe. She found herself living in her car with her two young children. With her ex-husband in control of her finances, she could barely afford to buy food – let alone the things her kids needed for school.

Support through the Children’s Education Fund helped Sarah cover the cost of uniforms, books, laptops and other essential school supplies for her children. There was also a little bit left over to give them the chance to take chess lessons and join extension programs for gifted and talented students. With those opportunities, her children are thriving in the classroom.

Raised so far


Our goal


  • Dominic Cannon just donated $52.75
  • Paula V Wilkes just donated $101
  • Chris Giles just donated $500
  • Michael Baker just donated $894
  • Diana Panochini just donated $30
  • Simon Tormey just donated $1,550
  • Mario Scicluna just donated $31.65
  • Dominic Cannon just donated $52.75
  • Peter & Majella Albion just donated $84.40
  • John Joseph Missen just donated $316.50
  • Anonymous just donated $52.75
  • Anonymous just donated $85.46
  • Simon McLean just donated $85.46
  • Anonymous just donated $85.46
  • Anonymous just donated $31.65
  • Bryan Brady just donated $156.75
  • David Donohue just donated $5.28
  • Donna Callaghan just donated $520
  • Anonymous just donated $105.50
  • Gerard Ward just donated $80

The Problem

The cost of education is rising sharply. Data from the Australia Bureau of Statistics** shows families are spending 43% more to send their kids to school than they were a decade ago. That’s a huge increase when you’re already struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head.

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing to drive vulnerable Queenslanders towards financial hardship and homelessness, more and more families are finding themselves unable to afford the basics their children need for school.

Over the past year alone, the number of young people supported through Vinnies’ Children’s Education Fund has increased from just over 3500 to 4000. Money distributed by the Fund grew from around $1,100,000 to $1,400,000.

More funds are urgently needed to make sure no child in Queensland misses out on the opportunity they deserve to get an education.


How you can help

With a donation to the Children’s Education Fund today, you can help the growing number of Queensland parents who are struggling to afford the things their children need to succeed at school.

With the cost of living going up, many families are facing difficult choices between putting food on the table and paying rent – and buying the things their children need for school.

Your generous gift will help pay for uniforms and shoes, so kids can fit in and feel comfortable at school. You will also help cover the cost of books, laptops and other essential supplies that kids need to reach their potential in the classroom.

By donating now, you can share the life changing gift of education with a child who might otherwise miss out.

You can make sure children have all the books they need.

Your gift will help provide kids with the right uniform so they can fit in.

You will provide children with the technology they need to thrive at school.

Your Impact

By donating to the Children’s Education Fund, you will give some of Queensland’s most vulnerable kids the chance they deserve to succeed at school – and in life.

“The support I got through Vinnies Children’s Education Fund meant I could pay for my kids’ education. It meant I could put them in the right clothes and get them books and shoes. That meant the world to me. There was even a little bit left over for extras like extension maths programs and chess lessons.” Sarah

Help disadvantaged kids reach their amazing potential at school.

*Names have been changed to protect identity.

Your generous gift today can help provide disadvantaged children with the basics they need to get the very best out of their time at school.

A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Dominic Cannon


Paula V Wilkes


Chris Giles


Michael Baker


Diana Panochini


Simon Tormey


Mario Scicluna


Dominic Cannon


Peter & Majella Albion


John Joseph Missen



hope this helps




Simon Mclean



happy to donate




Bryan Brady


David Donohue


Donna Callaghan




Gerard Ward



Happy Easter


Jan Imeson


Damian Perrin


Delvene Bliss


Raymond Bickerstaff


Tabitha Bird


Peter Elford


Anthony Behan




Jonathan Carroll



God bless


Angela Lakson


Hsiao-ching Lai




Clement Hodge


Gerard Fullerton




Damian Smyth




Rob D'alessio


Jonathan Carroll


Michael Mcgoldrick


Richard Waring




Annalisa Tortora



Please accept donation. Happy Easter




Anne Flanigan


Susan Drummond




Marie Gunn




Eddie Lorch


David Haley


Diane Coorey


Daphne Goodson






Jonathan Carroll




Jack Nicholson


Kieran Gibbons

Keep up the amazing work


Janaka Wilwala


Joyce Carkeek


Chris Connolly


Gerard Fullerton




Neil Mcwilliam






Linley Grey


Simon Francis O'hare



Love to you all


Monica M O'shea

Education is so important


Rajan Antony Payyappilly


Jacqueline Swann










Graham Meyer


Pauline Prendergast


Ray Pini

Thanks for VINNIES Work


Eddie Lorch


John Moman

How can I physically help with helping poor underprivileged people






Jim Whiting


Riccardo Casale


Patricia Ryan




Devangi Thakkar


Raymond Bickerstaff


Mary Molloy


Rhoda Brooks

Happy Birthday Diane Coorey


Diana Panochini


Devangi Thakkar


Wendy Muir


Angela Lakson



James P

Thank you!
